Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Game audio integration, Sound Design, Wwise, Fmod, Unity

Highlighted references

• DRL Sim, The Drone Racing League
• Idle Apocalypse, Grumpy Rhino
• Katana Soul, SEEP

Contact Andrea Baroni

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FAQ, About

About Andrea Baroni

Composer | Cyberleaf Studio | UK

I am a composer/producer, sound designer and musician, currently living nearby Brighton, UK.
With a master degree in Computer Science and a certificate from SAE I am also a producer and developer of advanced multimedia content and software/installations.
I am specialised in working with video games, with working experience also using Unity, Wwise and FMod.
I am currently working on a freelance basis, creating custom soundtracks for games and videos, music packages for stock markets.


Year School Course
2005 University of Pisa, Italy Master of Science in Computer Science – multimedia specialisation
2003 University of Pisa, Italy Bachelor in Computer Science
2006 SAE Institute, London, UK Electronic music production
2017 Barklee College of Music – online Sound Design with Kontakt

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