ProfessionalOther skills
Sound Designing, Sound Editing, Field Recording, Foley ArtistContact Alex Yakas
About Alex Yakas
Composer | Zodiac | Creative Arts Productions | BelgiumZodiac has been around for a while. His name is Alexandros Yakas. He is Greek, born in Brussels, Belgium, where he grew up. Although a skillful multi-instrumentalist that performed publicly in a number of school and amateur occasions, Alex started experimenting with both his musical and technological creativity and composed his first work using music technology as early as in 1999. At that time, his music was being enjoyed by his family and a small number of close friends, but he soon joined electronic music enthusiasts communities on the net and started sharing his music with them as Zodiac. It is under this name his work and he himself became well-known. And it is also under this name that he published a number of his pieces in electronic music collections both in Greece and the UK.
Through the years, Zodiac continued experimenting with new technology and new forms of music, while he also pursued studies both on Music Technology and Audio Production in the UK. His talent and skills were taken to a higher level, leading him to the way of becoming an acclaimed electronic musician and a dedicated hardware enthusiast.
Although music has been his first pathway to creative expression, Zodiac’s creativity was not meant to be secluded only within the boundaries of music. His creative talents found way to photography and videography that soon became alternative means for expressing his creativity, enhancing his overall creative expression.
In 2010, “Zodiac | Creative Arts Productions” became a brand name for Zodiac himself, his creations and the services provided to clients in Greece, the UK and elsewhere by himself and cooperating creative artists.