Official website



Specializes in:

Film audio

Other skills

Sound Design, Ambisonic Audio,VR360 Audio,Mixing, Sound Supervision,

Contact Brandon Michael Sanders

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FAQ, About


Sound mastering | Zero Point Audio | USA | New York

A Sonic Wizard! I make things “sound” magikal. I love what I do. Love working hard and being proud of any final product. I started my sound career in major label recording studios of NYC, recording huge pop records and over the last five years I have moved deeper into Post Production. I am very excited about the new world of VR 360n Ambisonic sound. I also act and do voiceover work.

I look forward to speaking with any potential clients or creative partners that may find me here on SOUNDLISTER.


Year Project name Client Role
2016 Visionaries – Daniel Arsham M2M or Made 2 Measure Sound Design, Mix Engineer, Audio(Dialogue) Restoration


Year Award Awarded for
2016 Sonic Wizard of the Year Being awesome


Year School Course
2003 Fullsail Associates Audio Engineering
2002 Santa Monica College Associates Liberal Arts

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