Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Composing, Mixing, Foley recording, Field recording, Immersive audio

Contact Jade Chennells

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FAQ, About

About Jade Chennells

Sound designer | UK

Hey, Iā€™m Jade! I’m a composer, sound designer and mixer for multimedia and immersive audio designer based in Cheltenham, UK. I have worked on original scores and mixes on a number of short films, had experience mixing in Dolby Atmos, curated sound design and had a range of live sound experience.

I graduated with a first in BA Sound and Music Production in 2023 and I am currently studying MSc Sound and Music Production. I have developed and put into practice my skills across a wide range in the sound and music industry.

I found my passion within music at a young age when I started keyboard lessons at the age of 12, and since then found myself intrigued by how much impact sound has in media and our everyday lives.
I have experience with many areas of audio including recording, mixing, spatial audio, sound design and composition. I am always open to new work and opportunities, so please shoot me a message or contact me if you are interested in my work!


Year Project name Client Role
2023 Coconut Sound Mixer
2023 Neonate Sound Mixer


Year School Course
2023 University of Gloucestershire BA Sound and Music Production

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