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ProfessionalOther skills
Game audio Integration, game implementation, Mixing, masteringHighlighted references
• Number 1 is something I cant talk about just yet bar it got shown at E3• Getting to work with actors from the TV series Game of Thrones
About Lewis Bean
Sound designer | UKSound Designer primarily for the video industry, working on multiple titles ranging from small indie to large AAA products.
I’m currently looking for any type of project to get my teeth into
Year | Project name | Client | Role |
2015 | Vermintide | FatShark | Dialogue Editor |
2015 | Game Of Thrones | Tell Tale | Dialogue Editor |
2015 | Caede | Thrown Together | Sound Designer |
2015 | Esper 2 | Coatsink | Dialogue Editor |
2016 | Lanterns Watch | Molotov Industries | Sound Designer |
Year | School | Course |
2014 | Birmingham City University | Sound and Multimedia Technology |