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About Matthew Ahearne

Sound designer | Green Heron Audio | USA | Arizona

Growing up in the age of digital video media, storytelling became second nature for me. I remember staying up late at night creating worlds for my LEGO figurines and playsets. For me, the included instruction books were just the starting point for new adventures. When I got my hands on an iPod Touch for my 11th birthday, I discovered YouTube and from there, I was enthralled. Bundled up in bed with sheets hiding me, I watched as people’s creativity and sense of wonder filled the screen and, in turn, my head. Fast-forward and various backyard videos later, I found a passion for filmmaking and videography, transforming these stories into real-life pieces.

With an emphasis on production and post-production sound (as well as live sound and editing) in film, television, theatre, and online digital media, I aspire to help others tell the stories they want, make their dreams a reality, and inspire others with my work. I believe a story can exist anywhere. Within ourselves is a story of who we are and how got to be. To fundamentally understand these stories would take a lifetime, literally. This is what fires me up. The opportunity to not only share these people’s stories and how meaningful they are, but also one day help other people see their stories as something of value, something to be proud of, and something to tell the world of.

I am a team player, not a competitive type. I work best when I connect with those around me and have people depending on me for something. In the right environment, I go beyond my expected duties, ensuring not only the work gets done but that it is of the highest quality it can be. I am an excellent problem-solver and brainstormer, and I am eager to jump into new experiences. I value honesty, feedback, friends, impact, and individuality.

Thank you for stopping by. Let’s collaborate together to make meaningful stories!

More credits on IMDB


Year Award Awarded for
2023 Best Sound Design Sound design work on short film, Soft Landing (2022)
2022 Exceptional Technical Achievement in Sound Awarded to students who have shown great strides in their work of sound design and who have gone above and beyond the normal responsibilities and duties expected from them
2023 Award of Merit: Sound Design Sound design work on short film, Soft Landing (2022)


Year School Course
2023 Arizona State University BA in Film (Film and Media Production)

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