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Game audio

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Sound Recordist

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About Stephen Rumph

Sound designer | Sonic Bakery | Australia

I am a passionate and friendly sound designer who has an interest in all aspects of the audio industry and am always learning new ways to apply myself within my projects. My key skills are great Pro Tools workflow in editing and mixing, understanding of middleware including FMOD and Wwise used with Unity and the ability to handle a large amount of pressure on the job. The next role I hope to include on my portfolio will be assistant sound designer within a AAA game or equivalent.


Year Project name Client Role
2018 QWO Orchestral Recording Queensland Wind Orchestra Recordist
2018 Forgive (Film) Simon James Sound Post-Production


Year Award Awarded for
2018 Student Council Award For making valuable contributions to the student body and campus
2018 Service to the Campus For creating a positive learning space for other students and showing passion and creativity in all I do


Year School Course
2018 SAE Institute Brisbane Associate Degree Audio Production
2015 JMC Academy Melbourne Diploma of Entertainment Business Management

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