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Documentaries, film, television, broadcast, live sound, fully equipped

Contact Tom Craca

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FAQ, About


Field recordist | CSPI, LLC | USA | Maryland

Professional sound mixer with a background in long form documentaries, episodic TV series, commercials, corporate, government, sports features and entertainment, live broadcasts, news magazine, reality TV and independent films.

Fully equipped for video broadcast and film recording with an extensive equipment package representing the latest technologies in the industry. Available locally in the Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD metropolitan areas and for travel.

Tom is also the administrating member of the DC Capitol Area Production Sound Mixers Group which is a self governing group of over 48 freelance production sound mixers and recordists in the Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia area. If he is unavailable he has the resources to connect you with other available sound professionals that have the technical ability, experience and equipment that is best suited for your production.

I.A.T.S.E Local 487 / NABET / IBEW / Non-Union
FCC License ID# WQVW678
Fully Equipped for Broadcast, Video & Film Since 1994

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