Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Voice acting, music performance

Highlighted references

• Fates of Ort
• Chronicle: Unit Eight

Contact Christoph Gray

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FAQ, About


Composer | UK

I’m a Scottish composer with a focus on video games. I’m very versatile and have composed soundtracks in a wide range of genres but my favourite to work on are highly emotional ambient pieces and horror. I’ve been freelancing for five years now and have worked on a variety of soundtracks, most recently I worked on a retro RPG called Fates of Ort. It required a lot of research into 90s midi soundtracks such as Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of Time, Deus Ex and Donkey Kong Country. I ultimately made 56 songs for the soundtrack and it was well received critically.


Year Project name Client Role
2020 Fates of Ort 8BitSkull Composer
2020 Stream soundtrack Mirolune Composer
2020 Chronicle: Unit Eight Static City Games Composer
2020 Until Exodus Blood Magic Labs Composer
2018 Life & Debt Static City Games Composer
2017 Knightfall Static City Games Composer
2020 Hellbarian Static City Games Composer

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