


Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Composition, sound design, integration (wwise/fmod/unity/ue4)

Highlighted references

• Project Create
• RSC – Seven Ages of Man
• Magic Leap One Creator Edition

Contact Dave Shumway

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FAQ, About


Audio director | Magic Leap | USA | Florida

I’ve spent the last 5 years at Magic Leap helping demonstrate why sound matters when building experiences on our new platform, and dreaming up how it can be leveraged to make each interaction meaningful to our users.

This exploration and discovery has manifested itself in designing and delivering prototypes for the world’s most influential companies and individuals, creating sonic pillars for our brand extending from marketing all the way down to system UI, developing best practices for internal and external developers and communicating those through conferences and workshops, and leading the audio team for one of our launch titles, the 2019 Auggie Award-winning and G.A.N.G. Award-nominated “Project: Create.”

I love making interactive audio content, especially when viewed through the holistic lens of experience design. Sound shouldn’t just “sound” cool to call attention to itself, but when it perfectly complements the look and feel of a mechanic or story beat, it amplifies the intent more than any other element.


Year Project name Client Role
2019 Create Magic Leap Audio Lead
2018 Seven Ages of Man Magic Leap Sound designer, recording and implementation consultant
2018 Magic Leap One Creator Edition Magic Leap Sound designer, hardware/software consultant


Year School Course
2009 University of Colorado Denver MS in Recording Arts
2008 Purdue University MS in HR Management
2006 Brigham Young University BS in Psychology

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