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Sound artist, song writer

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About Jules Bryant

Composer | UK

Most of the pieces Jules creates could be described as minimalist and experimental; consisting of a variety of instruments and recording processes to manipulate the sound. He is greatly influenced by extra-muscial sources, often finding inspiration from world events or personal circumstances.

Jules create pieces rapidly, often coming up with many ideas and quickly recording test pieces to explore the viability of an idea. If an ‘interesting’ piece does not develop quickly the idea may be put to one side or dropped altogether in the knowledge that another, more interesting idea is just around the corner. This ‘rapid prototyping’ approach to composition allows him to quickly move through ideas and explore new techniques and processes without being constrained by the need to continually work on something until a result is forced out.

Jules works with found sounds as well as traditional instruments and voices. He enjoys the challenge of working across a number of musical areas, and is just as comfortable working with electric guitars as scoring a piece for orchestral instruments.

Jules is interested in exploring new ways of working, creating new sounds and textures with instruments that he may not be familiar with. He also seeks to work with different artists and is keen to share and grow professionally in partnership.

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