Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Composing, Game audio integration

Contact Krzysztof Mitoń

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FAQ, About


Sound designer | Poland

Hi! Currently I’m pursuing career opportunities tied with my over decade-long passion for composing music and games in general.
My time in Carbon Studio has allowed me to grow as a game developer, coworker and sparked even bigger hunger for self-development. I’ve been able to create and constantly improve a workflow that allows me to achieve results of satisfying quality and consistency, all in a timely manner. Privately I’m spending free time making music, learning instruments, reading novels/fantasy books, working out, playing video games and overall having a worthwhile life. If You’re eager to talk about working with me – let’s get in touch 🙂


Year Project name Client Role
2023 Crimen – Mercenary Tales Carbon Studio S.A. Junior Sound Designer
2022-2023 The Wizards – Dark Times Carbon Studio S.A. Junior Sound Designer

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