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Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Sound art, game music, conducting, orchestration/arranging, MD

Highlighted references

• Murderous Pursuits & Blazing Griffin who were wonderful to work with!
• PATTERN: An Homage to Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture with the fantastic musicians of Materia Collective

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About Luci Holland

Composer | Luci Holland Music | UK

I’m a composer and sound artist based in Edinburgh, Scotland! I love to create deep sound settings from fused orchestral atmospheres and electronic effects, but I also enjoy a challenge with using and finding new sounds and musical genres. I’ve worked on dynamic game soundtracks like Murderous Pursuits (Blazing Griffin) and I’m currently working with Skyrim expansion-sized mod group Lordbound on the original soundtrack.

I also present the UK’s first weekly national radio show all about video game music called The Console, on Scala Radio.


Year Project name Client Role
2016 PATTERN: An Homage to Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture Materia Collective Composer/Arranger/Performer
2018 Murderous Pursuits Blazing Griffin Composer
2018 Joystuck Mantra / Materia Collective Producer/Arranger/Musical Director/Performer


Year School Course
2014 University of Edinburgh MSc (Composition for Screen)
2010 University of Edinburgh BMus (Hons)

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