


Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

FMOD, WWISE, Ableton Live, Unity, Unreal

Contact Maurizio Mauro

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About Maurizio Mauro

Sound designer | Italy

Maurizio started his experience with sound design and game audio thanks to his passion for music and, above all, a crazy love for gaming experiences of every kind. The idea driving his work is that of finding all the little sound messages that surround us, in what we usually call silence.
He is experienced in creating sound banks with environmental recordings.
Self-contained and rigorous, creative, analytical and open to new technologies, with special teamwork skills. Accustomed to working under pressure and with very close deadlines.
Proficient in English and fluent in French.
Education experience with Chiara Luzzana in Media Sound Design, Environmental Recordings, Ableton Live at CFP Bauer in Milan and with Gianni Ricciardi in Game Audio and Fmod Implementation at CPM – Centro Professione Musica, Milan.
At this time he is completing his Wwise skills and the implementation with Unreal engine.

Searching for a job as: junior or semi-pro sound designer, also as freelance.


Year School Course
2017 CPM – Centro Professione Musica Game Audio
2016 CFP – Bauer Sound Design
2005 Paolo Grassi art school Arts, music, contemporary dance
1999 Language High School English, French, German

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