

Specializes in:

Dialogue / ADR

Other skills

Recording, mixing, sound design, editing, and music production

Contact Michael Garth

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About Michael Garth

Audio director | USA | Massachusetts

I have worked for 23 years in public radio as an staff engineer and fill-in Technical Director for various NPR shows, both local and national. I am currently working as a Technical Director for a national independent show broadcast throughout the NPR network. I have produced 6 Hip-Hop albums and am always looking ahead to the next one.


Year Project name Client Role
1999-2023 Car Talk WBUR-FM Fill-in Technical Director
1999-2023 Only A Game WBUR-FM Fill-in Technical Director
1999-2023 Here and Now WBUR-FM Fill-in Technical Director
2019-2023 Open Source WBUR-FM Mixed weekly show


Year School Course
1999 Boston Unviersity Sociology

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