

Specializes in:

Film audio

Other skills

Score composer, music producer, conductor, academic teacher

Highlighted references

• “Father Kadylo” – TV Star 2012 (Documental Film, Ukraine)
• Monochromatic CD (2015) – Music for Balet (dedicated to EuroMaydan in Kiev)
• Pontifical Liturgy of Saint John Chrisostom (CD 2000)

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About Roman I. Drozd

Composer | Academy of Music in Lodz (Poland) | Poland

In the music I see good face of humanity and traces of the Creator. I am fascinated by the cosmological dimension of music. As a score composer, I am deeply rooted in classical and modern symphonicism. I have a very modern music production studio and big experiences how working with new technology. I am academic teacher (conducting and computer technology in the work of modern composer). As a conductor I have won many awards with vocal ensembles.


Year Project name Client Role
2010 Eurovision Theatre of Vladimir Nazarow in Moscow composer and arranger
2008 Soundtrack for 26 sitcoms National Polish TV soundtrack composer
2006 CD Pid Oblachkom Vocal Quartet “Pid Oblachkom” from Toronto composer and arranger
2008 CD “Nadia” CD album for Nadia Kobelak from Toronto arranger
2012 Overture “Foot-moll” Euro 2012 for Mixed Choir and Symphonic Orch. National Polish TV (special Live concert dedicated to Euro 2012 (football) composer


Year Award Awarded for
2001 Money Prize CD Album “Liturgia Pontificale di San Giovanni Crisostomo” – Rector of Pomeranien Academy in Slupsk (Poland)
2005 Best conductor International Choir Competition “Te Deum” (Poland)
Money Prize for soundtrack “Fire and Arms” Toronto 2008
2010 Award of the Minister of Culture of Ukraine for the whole of creativity associated with Ukraine
2002 Money Prize Best choral composition “Three drops of sorrow”


Year School Course
1996 Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra a Roma – Italia Composizione – Prof. D. Bartolucci
1995 Pomeranien Academy Institut of Music – Prof. H. Stiller (conducting)
1989 KUL Lublin Poland Prof. A. Nikodemowicz

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