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Specializes in:

Film audio

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sound design, sound effects, foley

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About Tony Doubek

Composer | Tony Doubek Music | USA | Wisconsin

Music has been entwined in my life since childhood. My earliest memories are of singing and playing piano. Scores from my favorite films and shows submerged me into the stories they were telling and from an early age my opinion of what I was watching was quickly determined by the music. That remains true to this day. No matter how good the story is, if the score falls flat so too does my experience as a viewer.

I approach each project with an attitude of service. The best scores act in service to their stories. A score can set the pace of a scene, build anticipation, deceive the audience, provide glimpses into characters’ emotional states, and help shape the world in which the story is taking place. But it must do all of this and more in service of the story. Composers must set our egos aside and focus on how we can make the story shine. This is how I approach each project, by surrendering to the story and letting it tell me what it needs. I believe that is part of why I have received 3 awards for my work in film and TV.

To find out what happens when we combine forces email me at


Year Project name Client Role
2022 Soak Desdemona Dallas Composer
2021-2022 The Inventor: Miller and the Earthling Wyatt Moore Composer and Sound Designer
2021 The Killers Club Michael Sapieja and Trevor Seigman Composer and Sound Designer
2021 Lonesome Tony K Hall Composer
2021 What We Leave Behind Max Kang Composer
More credits on IMDB


Year Award Awarded for
2021 MLC Awards Best Original Production Score Lonesome
2022 MLC Awards Outstanding Achievement for Best Original Production Score Miller and the Earthling
2022 MLC Awards Best of the Year Original Production Score Lonesome

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