Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Game audio integration, recording, mixing, scripting

Highlighted references

β€’ It Takes Two – Hazelight
β€’ Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Eidos Montreal

Contact Anne-Sophie Mongeau

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FAQ, About

About Anne-Sophie Mongeau

Sound designer | Canada

I am an experienced and skilled sound designer with a passion for game audio. It resonates perfectly with both my creative and technical inclinations, and allows me to put into application my artistic thinking and problem solving reasoning.

I currently work as Senior Sound Designer at Hazelight (Stockholm).

I previously worked as sound designer on Shadow of the Tomb Raider at Eidos Montreal.

My passion for sound brings me to experiment with various tools, which means I’ll sometimes be editing and processing sounds in my DAW, sometimes working on procedural audio in Pure Data or Max/MSP, sometimes coding for audiovisual installations. I find any creative process involving audio greatly rewarding, but what I enjoy the most is contributing to bringing a videogame to life with outstanding audio content, and collaborating with the game development team so that our aligned visions can create something truly unique and original.

I also believe in sharing knowledge and learning from my fellow audio professionals, so I put together a blog [] where I talk about game audio as well as other digital art topics which I think can be helpful to the community, and I have contributed actively to other important audio blogs such as the Audiokinetic Blog, A Sound Effect and The Sound Architect.


Year Project name Client Role
2016 Livelock Tuque Games Sound Designer, Integration (Wwsie)
2015 Leap of Fate Clever-Plays Sound Designer, Integration (FMOD)
2014 Castle Story Sauropod Studio Sound Designer
2014 Big Action Mega Fight! Double Stallion Sound Designer
2018 Shadow of the Tomb Raider Eidos Montreal Sound Designer
2021 It Takes Two Hazelight Senior Sound Designer


Year Award Awarded for
2016 SIMA Award Best Sound Editing – Transit Zone Documentary (Dir. Frederik Subei)
2014 Casual Connect USA Best Audio Award – Big Action Mega Fight! Game (With Vibe Avenue)
2014 Elektra – MUTEK | EM15 Finalist – Audiovisual creation contest (The Crystal Interface)
2014 FRQSC Prestigious Scholarship
2019 NAVGTR Award Use of Sound, Franchise – Shadow of the Tomb Raider
2019 G.A.N.G Awards Nomination for Audio of the Year – Shadow of the Tomb Raider
2019 G.A.N.G Awards Nomination for Sound Design of the Year – Shadow of the Tomb Raider
2019 G.A.N.G Awards Nomination for Best Cinematic Custscene Audio – Shadow of the Tomb Raider
2018 Golden Joystick Awards Nomination in Best Audio for Shadow of the Tomb Raider


Year School Course
2015 University of Edinburgh MSc Sound Design
2014 University of Montreal B.A. Music Technology

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