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Other skills

Mixdown, Mastering

Highlighted references

• Mondo Sanque
• Steilhang
• Christian Bluthardt

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About Frederik Lietz

Audio director | Found Sound Studio | Germany

The Found Sound Studio is able to offer sound design and mixdowns of composed music for commercials, product presentations or image films. I am proud to be able doing this for nearly five years. Since then I was able to get in contact with many musicians and engineers. As a result I can coordinate an audio production in all aspects.


Year Project name Client Role
2016 L’Isola dei Dannati Mondo Sanque Mixdown and Mastering Engineer
2015 Unlighted Roads Priory Studios Mixdown and Mastering Engineer
2012 Werbespots 451 Filmgalerie 451 Field Recordist, Mastering Engineer
2012 Zwischen Himmel und Hölle Christian Bluthardt Mixdown and Mastering Engineer
2011 Dein neues Leben Andreas Betz Mixdown and Mastering Engineer
2016 Showreel Steilhang Andreas Betz / Steilhang Mixdown and Mastering Engineer

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