Official website



Specializes in:

Film audio

Other skills

Field Recordist, Sound Editor, Fil Mixing 5.1, Re-recording Mixer

Highlighted references

• Los que no saben volar, Hill Díaz, Taller Cinematográfico de Mantarraya y de Incubadora – GIFF 2015

Contact Julio César González Segura

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FAQ, About


Re-recording mixer | VAW ESTUDIO | Mexico

I am a sound engineer that lives in México City. I specialized in Mixing for film and also as field recorder for all kind of media. You can contact me if you require any work that has to be done in México, also I work in my own studio, so I can record foley’s, voice overs or any kind of audio that you need.

More credits on IMDB


Year Award Awarded for
2015 3º Place from the Audio Engineering Society (AES) LatinAmerica Mixing
2015 1º Place for “Nuevos Realizadores” del Segundo Festival de los Derechos Humanos en Colombia Cineminuto “Top model”


Year School Course
2014 ITESM CCM Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Ciudad de México Ingeniería en Producción Musical Digital
2016 CUEC UNAM MEXICO Sound Design

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