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Contact Macarena Morales

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About Macarena Morales

Sound editor | UK

I am a highly motivated sound assistant that did an intership at Creativity Media. I recorded and edited some Foley with Alex Joseph and Louise Brown. Also I did some sound effects and ambience and I recorded some ambience.
During my time at London I had the opportunity of being the boom operator in the short film “Jacked”, next to the sound mixer and recordist John Crossland.

Available to travel and relocate in order to get more expirience and learn as much as I can.


Year Project name Client Role
2015 Level Up Assistant Sound Editor
2015 Damascus Cover Sound Trainee
2015 Jacked Boom Operator
More credits on IMDB


Year School Course
2015 CIFP Jose Luis Garci Sound for audiovisual and entertaiment

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