Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Game audio integration, Wwise, creating learning materials.

Contact Mads Maretty Sønderup

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FAQ, About


Sound editor | Maretty Productions | Denmark

Sound geek by heart and passionate game developer. While I easily get immersed into fine tuning sounds or game mechanisms, I enjoy juggling many roles and projects at once. I enjoy learning, get honest feedback and value a collaborative environment with diverse opinions. I’m hard working with a playful spirit, while social, joyful, always honest and empathic.
I find it very rewarding to contribute to new projects in uncharted territories and I put heart and soul into the any project I involve myself in. While I prefer working in teams, I have no problem working autonomously and I always comply with deadlines or appointments.


Year School Course
2017 Aalborg University Copenhagen Sound and Music Computing
2015 Aalborg University Copenhagen Medialogy

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