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Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Editing, Mixing, and Production

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Sound designer | Ayrwav Media | USA | Washington

Martin Ayres is an Audio Designer and Composer based in Bellingham, Washington. He works as a freelance designer and bartender which isn’t exactly your typical mix cocktail. He holds a BA in Audio Technology and Sound Design from Western Washington University, as well as, a Certificate in Audio Production from the University of Washington. His modern and imaginative soundscapes push the boundaries of sonic perspective without sacrificing authenticity. His work can be described as eclectic—cinematic at times— with a solid amalgamation of digital and analog components, both well-grounded and inventive. He is Executive Producer and Audio Designer for River’s Reach Podcast series and expresses a widespread proficiency in audio technology and composition. He’s a family man who welcomes community involvement and collaboration with an emphasis on inclusion.


Year School Course
2020 Western Washington University BA in Audio Technology and Sonic Perspective
2018 The University of Washington Certificate of Audio Production
2017 Whatcom Community College AA in Art’s and Sciences

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