

Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Game Audio Implementation, Audio Editing, Composing, Pure data/MAX

Contact Phillip Klassen

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FAQ, About


Sound designer | 8th Shore | USA | Washington

Hello, I’m Phillip Klassen.

I’m a Composer and Sound Designer who’s passionate about video games and audio technology. I am a recent graduate from DigiPen Institute of Technology with a BA in Music and Sound Design.

At DigiPen I worked on 9 different game teams in roles varying from Sound Design, Composer, Audio Lead (managing other Sound Designers/Composers), Audio Implementor. Junior year I was awarded a Game Audio Network Guild scholarship for my work on Animus Fault, a first person shooter which involved randomized non-linear music. At the beginning of my second semester I started interning at 8th Shore where I am currently Audio Lead.

As Audio Lead at 8th Shore I work on all their current projects doing Sound Design, Music, Trailers, and any media/audio required work. At 8th Shore I have worked on 5 different projects two of which have released on Steam and arcades (Nightmare Grotto, InVokeR).

I am always learning and interested in everything! Thanks for stopping by my page and feel free to ask me anything or share a current project.

Phillip Klassen

(US, UK, & CA citizen)


Year Project name Client Role
2017 InVokeR 8th Shore Composer & Sound Designer
2017 Nightmare Grotto 8th Shore Audio Lead, Sound Design


Year Award Awarded for
2017 GANG Scholar Nonlinear Music Composition in student project ‘Animus Fault’


Year School Course
2017 DigiPen Institute of Technology BA in Music & Sound Design

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