Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

audio systems design, sound design, game audio integration

Highlighted references

ā€¢ inFAMOUS Second Son
ā€¢ Spider-man Web of Shadows
ā€¢ Lost in Blue

Contact Rev. Dr. Bradley D Meyer

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FAQ, About


Audio director | Sucker Punch Productions | USA | Washington

The Dr. Rev. Dr. Bradley D Meyer is an accomplished audio director with over 18 years experience having managed the audio departments at Berkeley Systems, Shaba Games, Free Range Games, and now Sucker Punch Productions. He was also a lead sound designer at Konami. In his career, Brad has worked on most pieces of hardware from cellphones to consoles to PCs on franchises such as inFAMOUS, Spider-Man, Shrek, Tony Hawk, Frogger, Dance Dance Revolution, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and You Donā€™t Know Jack.

Brad has a keen interest in interactive audio systems and strives to push the technological envelope of each platform while designing meaningfully emotional soundscapes. He has extensive knowledge and experience in systems design and technical sound design and is proficient in several scripting languages. He is a frequent contributor to game audio publications including, and his own blog covering pertinent topics in sound design for the modern developer. Brad has also lectured extensively on game audio and served on the Program Advisory Committee for the Audio Production department at the Art Institute of California, San Francisco.

Brad is an ordained minister and a doctor of metaphysics and immortality, so he can talk about the constructs of our physical realm or marry you to any human of your choosing.


Year Project name Client Role
2014 inFAMOUS First Light Sucker Punch Productions Audio Director, sound design, implementation
2014 inFAMOUS Second Son Audio Director, sound design, implementation Audio Director, sound design, implementation
2013 Zaxxon Escape Free Range Games/SEGA Sound Designer, Composer, Scripter
2011 Summit X Snowboarding Free Range Games Audio Director, sound designer, Scripter
2011 Freefall Tournament Free Range Games Audio Director, sound designer, composer,Scripter
2009 DJ Hero Activision Sound designer
2008 Spider-man Web of Shadows Shaba Games/Activision Audio Director, sound design, implementation
2007 Marvel Ultimate Alliance Gold Edition Shaba Games/Activision Sound designer, implementation
2006 Shrek the Third Shaba Games/Activision Sound designer, implementation
2006 Tony Hawk Project 8 Shaba Games/Activision Sound designer, implementation
2005 Lost in Blue Konami Audio Lead, sound designer, composer, implementation
2005 Frogger Helmet Chaos Konami Sound design, Voiceover direction, implementation, writer
2005 Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim Konami/Falcom Sound designer, Voiceover direction, implementation, Voice actor
2003-2005 Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 1,2, and 3 Konami Sound Designer, Music editor, step designer
2003 Frogger’s Adventures: The Rescue Konami Voiceover direction
2004 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Melee Konami Sound designer, Voiceover director, writer
2002 Motocross Maniacs Advance Konami Sound designer, voiceover director, voice actor
2002 Frogger Beyond Konami Sound Designer, Voiceover Director
2002 ESPN MLS Extratime 2002 Konami Sound Designer
2001 Frogger’s Adventures Temple of the Frog Konami Audio Lead, Sound Designer, Music editor
2001 Jurassic Park III: The DNA Factor Konami Sound designer, Music editor
2000 Backstage Pass: The Ultimate Rock and Roll Trivia Berkeley Systems/Sierra Additional Sound design and music
1999 Austin Powers: Operation Trivia Berkeley Systems/Sierra Additional Sound Design, Voice actor
1999 Get the Picture Berkeley Systems/Sierra Sound Designers, Composer
1998 Cosmic Consensus Berkeley Systems/Sierra Sound designer
1998 After Dark Games Berkeley Systems/Sierra Sound designer
1998 You Don’t Know Jack: The Netshow Berkeley Systems/Sierra additional Sound Design
More credits on IMDB


Year School Course
1997 UC Berkeley

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