


Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Game audio integration, scripting, Composition

Contact Thomas Josei Wolland

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FAQ, About


Sound designer | YooZoo | UK

Worked over at Tt games in the UK for 5 years. I am now a 32 year old male living in China, Shanghai. Wiganer originally. Working over at YooZoo Games.

I’m a lover of interesting ideas and a constant voyager for new sounds. I like to make friends also I’m a bit of a computer game wanderer.

I like to make random sounds and record them for my own pleasure. I like to go on rants and record them too (in my own private spaces), take a couple of pictures and wonder what I can record to go with them. etc.
I’m basically always thinking.

Will be updating videos with sounds on my vimeo and always looking for interesting stuff to be a part of.


Year Project name Client Role
2017 Ninjago WB Games Level Sound designer


Year School Course
2009 University of Salford Popular Music and Recording

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