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Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Game Audio Integration, Bespoke Recording, Field Recordists

Highlighted references

• Forza Motorsport, Turn 10 Studios
• Bubble Genius, Outplay Entertainment
• Age of Wonders 3, Triumph Studios

Contact Tim Bartlett

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FAQ, About


Sound designer | The Audio Guys | UK

The Audio Guys are a highly experienced, Award-winning, audio outsource company, providing a complete audio solution to game developers and publishers.

With over 40 years combined experience in game audio development, we have well over 175 titles under our belts, covering all gaming formats and platforms. Our previous work has featured on many ‘AAA’ titles over the years, including Micro Machines, Brian Lara Cricket, TOCA Touring Cars, Colin McRae Rally, Operation Flashpoint, LMA Manager, TOCA Race Driver, Dirt, Grid, Sega Rally, Overlord, Sega Superstar Tennis and the Forza Motorsport series of titles. As well as full console titles, we are now fully experienced in all mobile formats, and have worked on a wide range of iOS/Droid apps, Facebook titles, Xbox Live & PSN games, as well as many Steam games.

Recently, our work includes Bubble Genius, The Assembly VR, Crafty Candy, Age of Wonders 3, Plunder Pirates, Crazy Taxi City Rush, Mystery Match, Twelve-a-Dozen, Sonic Jump Fever, King of the Course, Twisted Manor, Surgeon Simulator VR, Bigfest and Forza Motorsport 6 on Xbox One.


Year Project name Client Role
2015 Forza Motorsport 6 Turn 10 Studios / Microsoft Sound Designer
2015 Big Fest On The Metal Lead Sound Designer
2015 Crafty Candy Outplay Entertainment Lead Sound Designer
2015 Surgeon Simulator VR Bossa Studios Lead Sound Desginer
2015 Gunner VR nDreams Sound Designer


Year Award Awarded for
2009 Dutch Game Awards Best Audio (Overlord II)

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