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Dialogue / ADR

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About Magnus Carlssen

Voice actor | USA

As a child, I loved to read. I devoured books faster than the librarians could check them out. I spent a large proportion of my child and young adult years curled up with books. A decade in creative production, on both sides of the production table, gave me comprehensive knowledge of the skills that make an audiobook project go smoothly. I’ve done everything from phone menus and audiobooks, to television voiceovers and animation. In every project, my goal is to present a voice that is sophisticated yet approachable, articulate yet relatable, authoritative but friendly. I appreciate the direction and vision that you or your creative team bring to the table, and I will do everything I can to execute that vision.

Starring roles in audio fictions “The Madness of Chartrulean”, “The Storm Chasers”, and “The Nebulous Saga”. Co-Host of the Havok Story Podcast.

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