Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Music design, Game audio integration, Interactive system design

Highlighted references

• Music Designer Internship at Guerrilla Games

Contact Lelah van Eijnsbergen

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FAQ, About


Composer | Netherlands

A student of music design for interactive media at Utrecht School of the Arts. I have experience composing, designing and integrating music in a video-game context within small indie/student projects as well as AAA projects with my music design at Guerrilla. My love for poetry is reflected in my day-to-day work, highlighting the beauty in the world, however small or big.

On top of this I am passionate about creative diverse and inclusive spaces within my local communities and University, I believe this creates an environment that sprouts new stories important for the world to see.

More credits on IMDB


Year School Course
2025 Utrecht School of the Arts Music Design for interactive media

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