Official website



Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

game audio integration, field recording, sound mastering

Highlighted references

• The Horse’s Name is Friday
• N/A

Contact Maxim Rasnovski

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FAQ, About


Sound designer | Freelance | USA | New Jersey

Hi, I’m Maxim Rasnovski!

I’m an alum from Champlain College with a Bachelors Degree in Game Sound Design. I’m quite unorthodox in my processes, and like to experiment as much as possible when it comes to making something sound unique. I’ve worked on SYNC for Sam, Sam and Friends Studio, as well as the small game The Horse’s Name is Friday. I had be happy to work with you on any project and promise to give it my all, may we have a successful collaboration!


Year Project name Client Role
2023-2024 SYNC Champlain Game Studio Lead Sound Designer
2022-2023 The Horse’s Name is Friday Champlain Game Studio Lead Sound Designer, Foley Artist


Year School Course
2020 Champlain College Game Sound Design

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