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Specializes in:

Game audio

Other skills

Mixing, Arranging, Ghostwriting, Sound Design, Game audio integration

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About Vladislav Nikiforov

Composer | Freelance | Russia

Hello! My name is Dallathar. I am composer, sound designer and sound engineer. My work experience lasts since 2012. I have many accomplished orders and grateful clients. I also have degrees as classical musician (cello) and studio sound engineer, know Wwise and DAWs.
You can check my portfolio here:

I’m looking for remote job (freelance or full-time) in gamedev as composer and/or sound designer. If my portfolio is not enough for you I can accomplish test task or create special demo for you. I love gaming since childhood and studied closely the art of game sound. I also know how to make Interactive Audio and how to implement it into the game.
Feel free to ask any questions. Thank you for your attention.


Year Project name Client Role
2022 MetaChess Jephtah Oyelabi Sound designer, Composer
2020 Cubeam Egor Skuratov Composer


Year School Course
2010 College of Music and Arts, Moscow Musician (Cello)
2015 Moscow State University of Culture and Arts Sound Engineer

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